
We have a new service that will save all OTrack users hours of time…

This is a free service to all OTrack schools. We can now copy or move assessment data from one term to another. So for example, if your most recent data entered was in February (Spring Mid), then we can copy this to other terms.

We can also do this for any targets that you have recorded in OTrack.

If you have a specific data management need, please email us at explaining what data you’d like to be moved or copied and we’ll get onto it for you.

New for June 2019…

On Tuesday 4th June, we released a new report. This report is designed to be a supplement to your written parent reports.

See it in action

Watch the video below to see what the report can do:

If you have any questions, please email

As you may know, when we released the newer version of OTrack we made a significant change to the EYFS tracker. This was really welcomed by many users, but it hasn’t been popular with others.

The change I’m talking about is the removal of a code between Secure at 40-60+ and meeting the ELG.

The good news is if you’re not a fan of this change we can re-add the extra code if you need it. If you don’t want that extra code, don’t worry, this won’t affect your tracker.

I’ll explain a little further...

In the old OTrack you used to have these codes available towards the latter end of the EYFS code set:

  • 40-60 B
  • 40-60 D
  • 40-60 S
  • ELG B
  • ELG D
  • ELG S

The default codes in the new version of OTrack are:

  • 40-60 B
  • 40-60 D
  • 40-60 S
  • G (meaning a pupil understands the ELG)
  • E (meaning a pupil is exceeding the ELG)

Some schools contacted us to say they felt that they need a code between ’40-60 S’ and ‘G’ so they can report progress. We can now update your EYFS tracker to have the following:

  • 40-60 B
  • 40-60 D
  • 40-60 S
  • W (meaning a pupil is working towards understanding the ELG)
  • G
  • E

If you want this extra code adding to your OTrack account please email

Here at OTrack we believe that our software should give you the time to have those meaningful conversations – and time to put plans in place to improve the lives of young people.
If you’re spending hours pulling data together from different academies and having to use a calculator, then we can help.

“People were tracking their data in different ways, now – thanks to OTrack – we get ca get analysis for all different contextual groups at the click of a button”

Glyn Bishop, Senior School Improvement Officer at Waterton Academy Trust

See how it works

Many schools, one central point

It is possible to bring together data from all your academies, even if they are using different tracking models and theories. Many of our MATs however prefer to use the same methodology across the board, giving full consistency to their reporting.

We build OTrack around you

Regardless of how you track in your academies – we can easily configure OTrack to meet your exact needs. We’ll consult with you about how you want to analyse performance against age related expectations and expected progress. Our dedicated report development team will ensure that you never use spreadsheets and calculators again.

“The Maltby Academy Trust customised reports are so useful for identifying year groups and other contextual groups that may need more support, they also give me and schools senior management essential analysis for reporting to governors and to the trust”.

David Horrigan – Executive Principal at Maltby Learning Trust

Introducing the MAT Dashboard

Our brand-new MAT Dashboard is now being used across many Multi-Academy Trusts and enables trust executives to quickly analyse data from one academy to another. The filters allow easy access to year groups and contextual groups to facilitate the sharing of best practice at the touch of a button.

Customising how schools record and analyse tracking data is what OTrack is all about – we’ve been doing this for over 10 years now.  Extending those consultancy services to MAT leaders was a great, rewarding experience.

“It’s something that meets our needs and will continue to develop as our needs develop”

Dave Dickinson, CEO at Waterton Academy Trust


We will set up your OTrack account for you, and transfer all your current data – at any time of the year.

Recently we’ve had many conversations with schools who are interested in using OTrack, but they were worried about moving between tracking systems midway through the academic year.

This isn’t a problem with OTrack, we have a dedicated team to help you move from your current tracking system to OTrack. This means you don’t need to worry – we will take care of the entire process.

If you use Word, Excel, paper or another commercial tracking provider – we don’t mind! We have 10 years of experience in helping schools seamlessly move tracking systems.

Here’s what some schools have said about the service we provide:

“OTrack moved my data from our previous tracking system – the whole process, from ordering OTrack to having the data transferred from SIMs, took just a few days. The actual data transfer was effected in under 30 minutesWe were up and running straight away!”

Jill Lambert, All Saint’s CE Federation

“We used a different commercial tracking tracking system before we moved to OTrack. The data transfer from our old system to OTrack was quick and easy. OTrack dealt with all of this and kept us up to speed with regular updates. The staff are extremely helpful and are always on hand to answer any questions.”

Nina Rushby, Tranmoor Primary School

It’s simple

We will move your data into OTrack in 3 simple steps:

  1. Tell us where your current data is stored
  2. We will start the data transfer process
  3. We’ll contact you when OTrack is fully populated with your data

Give us a call

If you’re looking at changing your pupil tracking software, then don’t worry – just give us a call on 01302 360246 and we will get things moving for you.

Head over to our Contact Us page for more info.

We believe that schools can achieve easy tracking of pupil assessment data in 3 simple steps…

Contact us to find out how easy it is

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